ACE® Personal Trainer Exam Prep Course

The American Council on Exercise (ACE®) Personal Trainer Exam Prep Course prepares you for a career as a personal fitness trainer. This course is offered over an 8-week period in a hybrid format including virtual lectures, pre-recorded lectures, and hands-on practicals. This course is offered to students, members, and non-members. Course participants will have the opportunity to learn anatomy and physiology, kinesiology, fitness assessments, programming and progressions, professional responsibilities, and nutrition.

Rec Well Employees | $350
Students | $400
Affiliates & Community Rec Well members | $450
Non-Rec Well members | $475


An image of a male personal trainer working with a male patron who is pushing a weighted sled.


  • This course is designed to prepare you for success on the ACE® Personal Trainer Exam. Students in the class receive a discounted exam fee. Upon completion, you can take the ACE® computer-based test right here on campus.
  • UW-Madison students who take this course and pass the final exam may qualify for employment with Rec Well.
  • All course materials and textbooks are included when you register for the class.
  • There are no prerequisites for this course.