Play tennis and squash year-round at Nielsen Tennis Stadium. We offer 12 indoor tennis courts, two squash courts, equipment rental and racquet services, and a system to help you find a tennis partner.

Interested in more practice before you play? We offer several types of lessons led by certified instructors.




Nielsen Tennis Stadium
1000 Highland Avenue
Madison, WI 53705

Make a reservation


In order to be good stewards of our resources, Nielsen Tennis Stadium may close early depending on the court reservation schedule. From time to time, you may also experience closures due to tournaments and other events. Please contact us at (608) 262 – 8244 to confirm closing times and availability prior to arriving for a walk-in court reservation.


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Reserve an indoor tennis court

There are three ways to reserve courts for indoor tennis: 

  • Reserve online using CourtReserve
  • Call Nielsen Tennis Stadium at (608) 262 – 8244
  • Visit the Member Services desk at Nielsen Tennis Stadium to reserve in-person

Reserve a squash court

  • Reserve online using CourtReserve
  • Call Nielsen Tennis Stadium at (608) 262 – 8244 or visit the front desk
  • Reservations can be made starting at 7:45am each morning
  • Reservations will be honored in the order received
  • Each person must make their own reservation

Reservation policies

  • Court fees must be paid at Nielsen Tennis Stadium prior to playing (see pricing under Court Fees)
  • Court times are 1 hour and 15 minutes.
  • Courts can be reserved online up to 2 hours before the court time; last minute reservations must be made over the phone or in-person at Nielsen Tennis Stadium
  • Reservations can be made starting at 7:45am each morning (online and over the phone)
  • Each person must make their own reservation
  • Current UW-Madison students and Rec Well members may make a reservation three days in advance (example: call or go online on Monday to reserve for Thursday)
  • Non-members may make a reservation one day in advance
  • Players can make one court reservation per day

Cancellation policies

  • Court reservations and cancellation fees are the responsibility of the person who booked the court reservation
  • Players can cancel a reservation free of penalty no fewer than two hours prior to their reservation time
  • Players with “no shows” and “late cancellations” will be billed a cancellation fee of $12 which, once billed & emailed to the player, must be paid before making a reservation and/or playing again


Everyone has access to Nielsen Tennis Stadium. Securing a Recreation & Wellbeing membership will give you access to reduced court fees and other discounted and other select programs, offerings, and services. Memberships options are available for access to all three facilities (Bakke Recreation & Wellbeing Center, Nicholas Recreation Center, and Nielsen Tennis Stadium) or just Nielsen Tennis Stadium. Court times at Nielsen Tennis Stadium are 1 hour and 15 minutes. In addition, there is a Household Youth membership available for those under 18 years old. To learn more about membership options, visit our membership page.

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Indoor Tennis Court Fees

Rates shown are per person.

wdt_ID Membership Singles Rate Doubles Rate
1 UW Student $8 $4
2 Rec Well Members $10 $5
4 Non-Members $20 $10

Discounted Court Fees

Discounted court fees are available Monday – Thursday from 10:30am – 1:30pm (start times). Rates shown are per person.

wdt_ID Membership Singles Rate Doubles Rate
1 UW Student $4 $3
2 Rec Well Members $6 $4
4 Non-Members $11 $8

Squash Court Fees

Rates shown are per person.

wdt_ID Membership Singles Rate
1 UW Student $3
2 Rec Well Members $4
4 Non-Members $8

New League Opportunity: Tennis Ladder

Similar to a league, the Tennis Ladder will provide up to 20 players with an opportunity to schedule and play competitive singles matches with other players who are seeking to play tennis matches.

Check out the registration page for more information!


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Designed for

  • Players of all genders who are 18+ years old and seeking opportunities to play competitive tennis matches. This Tennis Ladder is recommended for intermediate and advanced level players who have experience playing competitive tennis matches.


  • 18+ years old
  • Players have dependable tennis strokes with directional and depth control and are looking to play in a competitive setting.
  • Players should have strong knowledge of match play including serving, scoring, and general match etiquette.
  • During the registration process, players must provide their preferred contact information. This information will be shared with other players in the ladder.

Ladder Format

  • Players are responsible for scheduling their own matches
  • Matches must be played at Nielsen Tennis Stadium
  • 8-game pro set, regular scoring
  • Scores must be reported to Nielsen Staff immediately after each match
  • Ladder scores will be updated weekly by Nielsen Staff
  • Recommend playing 1 – 3 matches per week
  • Players are responsible for reserving their own court, paying their own court fees, and providing their own tennis balls
  • The ladder will take place over the course of eight (8) weeks


Student Night provides UW-Madison students with an opportunity to play unlimited open rec tennis from 6 – 9pm for just $5 per player. See below for upcoming dates:

  • Friday, February 7
  • Saturday, March 1


Equipment Rental & Repair Services

For your convenience, we offer a variety of equipment rental options and racquet services.

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Equipment Rental

wdt_ID Equipment Price
1 Tennis Ball Machine* $12
2 Demo Tennis racquets $2
4 Demo Squash racquets $2
5 Rental Tennis racquets $1
6 Rental Squash racquets $2

*Tennis balls included in rental. We’ll also provide a hopper for picking up tennis balls.

Racquet Repair Services

wdt_ID Equipment Price
1 24-hour Restringing Fee $5
2 Natural Gut Surcharge $2
4 Grip Size Build-up (material only) $5
5 Grommet Replacement (labor only) $10
6 Racquet Regripping (labor only) $2

Restringing Services

Have your racquet restrung at Nielsen Tennis Stadium. We offer a pre-paid service guaranteed within three business days.

Racquet owners have the option to provide their own string to be used for stringing service. Our talented staff handles the string with care, but in the event the owner-provided string breaks during the stringing service, we will use a similar string as a replacement. We are unable to provide a refund for the broken string.

String prices do not include the stringing service fee.

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Stringing Fee

wdt_ID Membership Price
1 Student/Member $15
2 Non-Member $18


wdt_ID Brand String Type Price
1 Luxilon 4G (16) Polyester $28
2 Luxilon Alu Power (16) Polyester $28
3 Solinco Tour Bite (16 or 16 Soft) Polyester $20
4 Babolat RPM Blast (16) Polyester $26
5 Babolat RPM Hurricane Polyester $15
6 Wilson NXT (16 or 17) Multifilament $25
7 Wilson Sensation (16) Multifilament $18
8 Gamma Live Wire (16 or 17) Multifilament $18
9 Gamma Live Wire XP (16 or 17) Multifilament $19
10 Gamma Live Wire Professional (16) Multifilament $26
12 Wilson Synthetic Gut (16) Synthetic Gut $8
13 Gamma Synthetic Gut (16 or 17) Synthetic Gut $6
15 4G & NXT Hybrid $27
16 4G & Sensation Hybrid $23
17 4G & Wilson Synthetic Gut Hybrid $18
18 Alu Power & NXT Hybrid $27
19 Alu Power & Sensation Hybrid $23
20 Alu Power & Wilson Synthetic Gut Hybrid $18
21 RPM Hurricane & NXT Hybrid $20
22 RPM Hurricane & Sensation Hybrid $17
23 RPM Hurricane & Wilson Synthetic Gut Hybrid $12
24 Tour Bite & NXT Hybrid $23
25 Tour Bite & Sensation Hybrid $19
26 Tour Bite & Wilson Sythentic Gut Hybrid $14
27 Ashaway MultiNick (18) Squash $15
28 Solinco Hyper G (16) Polyester $20
29 Luxilon Element (16) Polyester $28
30 Babolat RPM Team (16) Polyester $26


Looking to find a tennis partner to help you ace the courts? Join our Partner Finder portal. Here’s how:

  • Click the button below to take you to Court Reserve with Nielsen Tennis Stadium.
  • Next, create an account by selecting the red “Create Account” in the upper right corner.
  • After your approval, you will have access to the Partner Finder page and you’ll be connected to your next tennis buddy.

Join the Group