There are two vital pieces of information for sport club registration:

  • DoSportsEasy (DSE)
  • Driver authorization

See below for all the information you need to ensure that your sport club is set to compete this semester!


All members of your club need to be registered on DoSportsEasy (DSE). The Sport Club Office uses DSE to look over membership criteria, track officers, manage budgets, approve events, and more. All clubs must have at least ten (10) active members in the club. There will be member checks for compliance.

The deadline to have all members registered for the fall semester is 5pm on Friday, September 13. This is a flexible deadline; work with your liaison to set it prior to the original deadline.

How to get to DSE

1. Navigate to DoSportsEasy
4. Click “Log in” in the upper righthand corner. Select “University Account.” You will use your normal NetID log in.
5. Once you are logged in, click “Registration” for your club.
6. You will be prompted for information to complete your registration. Indicate any officer positions you have, if you are an authorized driver, if you are a safety officer, and fill out your Member Consent Form and Supplemental Health Waiver. Once everything is entered, you will be in a queue to be manually approved by the Sport Club Office.

Additional Requirements

Presidents & Treasurers are required to complete the RSO Orientation Course and upload a screenshot of 100% completion in order to be approved on DSE. The screenshot must include your name and shows that you have completed all sections of the course. An example of an acceptable screenshot is below.

What if I have completed registration and it has taken over a week to be approved?

Open your registration and make sure it is completely filled out. There will be a red icon next to the sections that are incomplete. Please check for messages: if something is not filled out correctly, the Sport Club Office will send a message through DSE explaining the issue and what needs to be fixed. If everything is filled out properly and you do not have messages, email the Sport Club Office at with the issue.

Driver Authorization

Individuals must be authorized in order to reserve and drive fleet vehicles, drive and be reimbursed for personal vehicle business-usage mileage, and to rent a vehicle from external providers for university business. This includes traveling to offsite locations for practices, events, and competition where club participants are taking rented or private vehicles. There must be at minimum one (1) authorized driver per vehicle being taken if traveling in-state, and at minimum two (2) authorized drivers per vehicle when traveling out-of-state. Anyone who intends on driving during the trip needs to be authorized.

You can apply to become an authorized driver using the following steps below:

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Applying for Authorization - Wisconsin Drivers

1. Go to the Enterprise Fleet Management System
2. Select “UW” for type of employee.
3. Select “UW Madison” for Campus.
4. Log in using your NetID.
5. Under “New Fleet Driver” select “Vehicle Use Agreement.”
6. Fill out the application and submit.

7. You will receive an email once you are approved.

Applying for Authorization - Out of State/WI Drivers with Less than 2 Years of Licensing

For out-of-state drivers, international drivers, and drivers licensed less than 2 years in Wisconsin you will need to upload a driving abstract.

Your state DMV, SOS, DOR, DPS, or MVD may offer several types of driving records, including:

  • A motor vehicle report or record (MVR).
  • A certified or non-certified driving record.
  • A driving abstract or driving history.
  • An online driving record.

Follow steps 1-7 above, uploading your driving abstract when prompted during step 6.

Authorized Driver Registration on DSE

1. Screenshot the approval email.
2. Go to the UW-Madison DSE page and log in with your NetID.
3. Click on “Registration” under your team.
4. Under “Driver Info” select “Yes” to “Are you interested in becoming an approved driver?” and check the box below.
5. Under “Documents” upload the image of the approval email next to “Proof of authorized driver status” and input the expiration date of your approval (included in the email).

Click save in the bottom right-hand corner. Your account will move to the top of the queue for approvals and a Sport Club Office Staff member will review your registration. You will receive a message through DSE to make corrections if anything is missing or was submitted incorrectly.

Here is a resource as to why your VUA might have been rejected: TIPS! Top Reasons Your VUA Was Rejected


If You were Previously Authorized and No Longer Have the Email

1. Follow steps 1-4 under “Applying for Authorization – Wisconsin Drivers.”
2. Under “Reports” select Driver Summary.
3. Input your first and last names and click “View Report.”
4. Screenshot the report showing your status as “‘Approved” and the deactivation date.
5. Follow steps 1-5 under “Authorized Driver Registration on DSE.”

Click save in the bottom right-hand corner. Your account will move to the top of the queue for approvals and a Sport Club Office Staff member will review your registration. You will receive a message through DSE to make corrections if anything is missing or was submitted incorrectly.

Uploading Authorized Driver Proof to DSE

Once you have been authorized, you must upload a screenshot to DSE so that we can confirm your authorization. The screenshot must include, your name, that you have been approved, and the expiration date.

Examples of Acceptable DSE Submissions:

Examples of Non-Acceptable DSE Submissions:

The completed application or your drivers license are NOT acceptable forms of approval.