Eliza Barter

Credentials: DAT, LAT

Position title: Athletic Trainer

Email: eliza.barter@wisc.edu

Phone: (608) 265 - 6382

A headshot photo of Eliza Barter.

Eliza Barter started her athletic training career in July of 2017 after graduating from Carthage College with her Bachelor’s in Athletic Training. She then spent four years providing health care to student-athletes in a high school setting. In May of 2021, Eliza completed her Doctorate in Athletic Training at Indiana State University where she also conducted research. As a clinician, she values patient-centered care, holistic whole-body health care, inclusion, and collaboration. She enjoys athletic training because she can help support students through health challenges and provide guidance with individualized care throughout the process of healing. For fun, Eliza enjoys backpacking, playing tennis, spending time with family and friends, and playing with her dog, Koda.