In our tennis lessons, your child will learn the basics of tennis while building a strong foundation for future skills. Instructors work to foster a fun, safe, and welcoming environment throughout a four-week session. Each class meets once a week at Nielsen Tennis Stadium, and includes tennis racket rental if needed. Register your child for any youth lesson by adding them to your account as a dependent (follow the instructions here.)
Personalized coaching at Nielsen Tennis Stadium.
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Private Lessons
During private lessons, your Jr. Active Badger will work one-on-one with a certified instructor. They will receive personalized feedback on form and improve on specific skills and techniques in a supportive environment.
Dependent Members: $70
Non-Members: $85
Youth 12 & Under Level 1
The perfect introductory class for children interested in learning about the game. In this level, players are taught about hand-eye coordination, positioning, and the basic forms for different strokes.
Dependent Members: $55
Non-Members: $75
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Designed for:
- Brand new tennis players with little to no experience
- Children between 8 – 10 years old and children between 11 – 12; classes are split up by age group
- No experience required
Class Components:
- Proper motion
- Footwork
- Ball control
- Forehand swings
- Backhands swings
- Volleys
- Sportsmanship
Youth 12 & Under Level 2
This level is an extension of Youth Level 1. Basic skills such as forehands and backhands have an added level of difficulty and participants are taught more competitive games and drills.
Dependent Members: $55
Non-Members: $75
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Designed for:
- Players familiar with general tennis strokes who want to build on the basics with specialty shots
- Children between 8 – 10 years old and children between 11 – 12; classes are split up by age group
- Instructor recommendation after completing Youth Level 1
- Athletic players with some experience playing tennis or who have played a sport that requires good hand-eye coordination
Class Components:
- Footwork & positioning
- Ball control
- Forehand swings
- Backhands swings
- Volleys
- Overheads
- Scoring
- Sportsmanship & teamwork
Youth 13 & Over Level 1
This offering is for youth players (ages 13-15 or 15-18) who are interested in learning how to play tennis. In this level, players are taught about hand-eye coordination, positioning, and the basic forms for different strokes.
Dependent Members: $75
Non-Members: $100
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Designed for:
- Players with little to no experience
- Players who are 13-15 or 15-18 years old; classes are split up by age
- No experience required
Class Components:
- Proper motion
- Footwork
- Ball control
- Forehand & backhand swings
- Volleys
- Overheads
- Introduction to serving
- Sportsmanship
- Rallying
Youth 13 & Over Level 2
This offering is for youth players (ages 13-15 or 15-18) who already have experience playing tennis. In this level, players will continue developing their current skills while also learning more ways to add strategy to their game.
Dependent Members: $75
Non-Members: $100
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Designed for:
- Players who already have experience playing tennis
- Players who are 13-15 or 15-18 years old; classes are split up by age
- Players should already know fundamental techniques for groundstrokes and volleys.
- Players should know how to rally and can successfully do so during a live point.
- Players should already know how to serve and keep score.
Class Components:
- Reinforce proper motions
- Footwork
- Ball control
- Forehand & backhand swings
- Volleys
- Overheads
- Strategy & point development
- Sportsmanship
- Rallying
Youth Tennis Skill Clinics
Specialized clinics designed to facilitate learning new skills within the game of tennis. These clinics only meet for one class.
Dependent Members: $15-20
Non-Members: $20-25
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Designed for:
- Players looking for instruction on a specific skill or aspect of the game
- Level 1 clinics are open to beginner and intermediate players
- Level 2 clinics are open to intermediate and advanced players
Class Goals:
- Develop specific tennis skills associated with each offering
Intro to Match Play
This offering is for youth players (ages 8-10) who are interested in learning how to play a tennis match. Participants will learn the basics of serving, scoring, positioning, and other components needed for match play.
Dependent Members: $45
Non-Members: $60
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Designed for:
- Youth players who have some tennis experience, but would like to learn the basics of how to play a tennis match
- 8-10 years old players
- Basic understanding of and experience hitting forehands, backhands, and volleys
- Ability to sustain a rally to at least five against a partner
- Experience moving towards a ball on different parts of the tennis court
Class Components:
- Fundamentals of serving
- Scoring
- Playing points
- Basic match strategy
- Sportsmanship
- Match-play guided by instructor
Junior Match Play
This offering is for youth players (ages 11-12 or 13-18) who are interested in playing matches against other participants. This program will loosely follow the format of a junior league. Participants will gain experience playing tennis matches against their peers under the supervision and guidance of an instructor.
Dependent Members: $45
Non-Members: $60
This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
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Designed for:
- Youth players who already understand the basics of playing a tennis match and would like to compete against other players in a learning environment.
- Players who are 11-12 or 13-18 years old; classes are split up by age
- Participants do not need previous match experience if they meet the listed prerequisites
- Know how to serve and can accurately serve into the correct service box
- Have experience hitting forehands, backhands, approach shots, overheads, and volleys
- Ability to sustain a competitive rally to at least five against a partner
- Know how to score and the basic rules of playing a tennis match
Class Components:
- Supervised tennis match experience
- Match strategy
- Competitive match play
- Sportsmanship
- Playing against other players
- Basic match rules