Being an Active Badger is about more than being physically active. It extends beyond the walls of our facilities and sidelines of a field. It’s more than lifting weights or running around a track. And it requires more than just thoughts and prayers.
It’s about taking action to show up for ourselves, our community, and our world.
Our team met this week to start the conversation about race, privilege, and justice for George Floyd, but it doesn’t end there. We need systemic change.
We started by pausing our own content on social media to amplify the stories, voices, and expertise of the Black community, and will continue to do so. Because Black Lives Matter.
Our internal committee on Engagement, Inclusion, and Diversity scheduled recurring biweekly meetings for our staff to review educational resources and discuss as a group. The first we reviewed were these TED Talks: The Power of Privilege: Tiffany Jana and What Beyoncé Taught Me about Race: Brittany Barron.
This is just a start. We commit to continuing this work.
If you’re looking for support or resources, here is a short list we have compiled:
Campus and community resources:
- Dean of Students Office
- Division of Diversity Equity and Educational Achievement (DDEEA)
- Multicultural Student Center (MSC)
- International Student Services (ISS)
- University Health Services can assist you with counseling appointments
- Statements from Chancellor Becky Blank, Deputy Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Inclusion Patrick Sims, and Dean of Students Christina Olstad
- A list of Black-owned businesses in Madison to support
Educational resources on anti-racism and social justice:
- How to be an Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi
- Me and White Supremacy by Layla Saad
- Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
- Bystander Intervention Training from Hollaback!
- Anti-racism resources for white people
- 6 Ways Asian Americans can tackle anti-Black racism in their families
- A Guide to White Privilege
- 6 Ways to Activate Beyond Social Media
- New Era of Public Safety toolkit
- Working document for scaffolding anti-racism resources
- Watch Just Mercy, which is free to stream during the month of June