Self-Care on a Budget

Taking care of your mind and body should always be your priority. As a UW-Madison student, I understand the pressure and heavy workload that comes with finals, and how quickly self-care can seem like a …

Your body is not a math equation

Written by Nandini Saluja, Teaching Kitchen Instructor Reviewed by University Health Services Registered Dietitian Nutritionists If we believe the lie that our bodies are a math equation, we can fall into a dangerous trap. We …

We Root for Every Body

Hey Active Badgers! We Root for Everybody. It isn’t just a slogan, it’s a reminder that no matter what your body looks like or what you’re capable of, you are enough as you are. A …

Managing Burnout

At UW-Madison, the academic culture pushes us to strive for success. But, we know that balancing work, personal life, academic expectations, and extracurriculars can get overwhelming. Checking in with yourself and managing stress is a …

Nutrition on a Budget

Mindful eating while working with a low budget may seem difficult, but it’s possible! Keep reading for tips on how to strategize your grocery shopping and maximize your budget while still eating what is best …