Congratulations #ActiveBadger Grads

Graduation is quickly approaching and another class of students will be set out into the real world. Whether it’s a full time position, grad school or traveling the world, the new UW grad’s health can often be put on the back burner. Studies have shown that post graduation weight gain is more common and prevalent in society than the freshman 15. Here are some tips on how to keep your health in check post graduation.
Prioritize your health. This may seem simple, but with most of your day spent at work or grad school and traveling to and from,  it is hard to fit in any type of movement/exercise. If possible, set aside some time specifically for a brisk walk, run, or maybe bike to class or work if possible. Many companies have on-site fitness centers to take advantage of during a lunch hour or before/after work. Making sure to continue to keep fitness in your routine as best as possible can help you maintain it as a priority in life.
Cook, don’t order out. At least try to not make ordering out a habit. Cooking meals allows you to add ingredients and reduces the likelihood of over adding some items. Shopping on the weekend and planning out dinners each night can help you keep a cheaper grocery list and give you some left overs of a good home cooked meal to snack on. Meal preparation for lunches can help you eat healthy every day. There are many websites that explain meal prep and can help you figure out what is best to add to your lunch box!
Stay moving! It can be helpful for both your body and concentration, if you stand up every so often and take a short walking break. Walk to another building for lunch or park your car further from the building you need to be in to force yourself to add a few extra steps to your day.
“Play Hard. Get Fit. Live Well.” doesn’t have to end when your time as an undergrad does.