Fall for These 5 Healthy Habits

Do you feel it in the air, Active Badgers? Fall is definitely here! Camp Randall is alive, Spooky Songs Theme Skate Night is almost here, pumpkins are being carved, apples are being caramelized, Halloween costumes are being prepped… we have countless activities to look forward to and a list of spooky movies to watch. 

But the spookiest part of fall (okay, besides midterms) is the start of flu season. Keep reading for five ways to help yourself stay healthy and keep you feeling your best this fall:

1. Break out the long sleeves.

There’s a reason it’s called sweater weather. The temperatures are beginning to fall and the air is feeling crisp. Keep in mind that as students, we spend a lot of time outside, whether we’re walking between classes or playing in an intramural sports game. Being out in the cold can affect the way your immune system fights viruses, so before heading out, make sure to dress according to the fall weather (or whatever unpredictable weather Wisconsin decides to throw at us today).

2. An apple a day keeps the colds away.

Well, kind of. While we are definitely okay with eating tons of apples (‘tis the season), it’s important to make sure to eat well in general. Start out every day with a healthy breakfast and pack plenty of fruits and veggies into your meals. On a tight schedule? Try prepping meals for your week!

3. Get a flu shot.

This is an easy (and important) one. Nobody deserves to miss out on the things fall has to offer because of catching the flu. Protect yourself (and those around you) by getting a flu shot. Stop by UHS for a FREE flu shot (no appointment needed) or attend one of their flu shot clinics. It takes less than ten minutes and is a very important step to keep you and the rest of campus healthy.

UHS UW Madison
4. Hit the hay.

If you’re looking for a good excuse to head to bed early tonight, here it is! Sleep is vital to keep you focused, stress free, and healthy all around. As the days get shorter and the nights get longer, aim to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Your mind, body, and midterm scores will thank you for it.

Photo by Jeff Miller / UW Madison
5. Get your sweat on.

Last but certainly not least, keep your body strong and energized by staying active this fall. Take time to get your body moving every day whether it’s an intense gym workout, a refreshing yoga session, or even just a walk through the fall colors on Lakeshore Path.

With the changing of the seasons, now is the perfect time to create healthy habits like these. For more information about receiving your flu shot this fall, check out UHS’s website.  Make healthy choices and enjoy the spooky season, Active Badgers!